Sexy dress pt. 4 – sweet reveal

Or, how a great dress automatically boosts one’s confidence level! I’m a dress-type of girl. Meaning, I’d choose a dress over pants and a shirt every single time I go somewhere outside. I don’t necessarily do it, yet, but that’s the idea. What I love about New Look 6429 pattern is that it’s so versatile!…

Body positivity issues…

…or, why the *ell do I feel personally offended by a pattern size?! Ever since being temporarily unemployed, I had decided to make up for the lost time and practice my garment sewing skills. Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to hoard patterns unless I really intend on using them. Sure,…

Sew to fit…

…or, how I possibly made the first sewing alteration that I really like. I had another serious case of painful lower back, so I can’t sew too much because it’s painful to sit, among other things. However, I woke up today feeling much better, and since I’m still on my paid holiday from work,  it…