Chemo cap + sweater, more updates.

Over in the gallery you’ll find the finished chemo cap! I didn’t follow anyone’s pattern, I did my own and I did quite a lot of decreases throughout the body of the cap because I was afraid it would be too big once it’s on the head. It’ll be sent to Georgia, Atlanta as soon…

More on the sweater changes + chemo cap

Ok, first up we have the sweater update. You remember my slight annoyance with the increase bumps across the breasts? Well, they’ve been annoying me so much that I had to do something about it. Something like getting another full skein and start over with a size L, instead of forcing the increases on size…

Update on the sweater

Ok, since the sweater is at a decent length (past my breasts) it’s finally time to show you the photo of my progress! Up close you can see the modifications to the chest increases, since I’m in between two sizes (M/L). I think it’ll go away once I wash and block it. It’s also the…

Destashing project no.1!

Oook, so the incredibly ugly sock yarn seemed to have redeemed itself in my eyes since I’ve decided that I need to do some destashing to make room for new yarn. So I went ahead and, to keep my mind off some things, started crocheting something that was supposed to be a pencil case but…