Blessed be the one who invented swatching

I believe I have mentioned before how I never swatch before I dive into the project. Not even for socks or gloves or hats. I know, shame on me. But as I was holding my newly arrived 100% virgin wool deluxe that I intended for a sweater, something told me that I should invest time…

I am in Heaven! It’s here!

Just last week I found the most perfect sweater that I knew I needed to knit. It’s called Margot, and I fell in love with it. Deciding to make this sweater, preferably by Christmas Eve, required ordering more yarn than just a skein or two. So I found an online yarn shop in Istanbul, Turkey,…

Update on toe-up socks

…or why I’m not overly impressed by it. Recently I watched Stacy Perry’s ( Cropped Raglan Cardi tutorial; a beautiful cardigan with a beautiful, gentle grey colour. As I looked through yarns in Müller chain store a month ago, I was immediately drawn to skeins of grey, placed next to blacks of the same brand…

Knitting frenzy…

…or how I deal with stress. I suppose it’s that time of the year when most people are slowly starting to look back on the events which made their mark. Do I have some regrets or still unfulfilled dreams? Sure. But I choose to focus on so many good things that have happened in the…